Monday, January 5, 2009

Creating energetic, biological and indulgent herbal infusions. All natural herbal distillates created with a specialized process of distillation.

Dr. Edward Bach, the founding father of flower essences demonstrated that the subtle, invisible frequencies emitted by flowers can significantly influence ones health. These flower essences stimulate awareness of imbalances on the mental and emotional levels, and support balance. Early civilizations such as oriental, East Indian, American Indian, and Hawaiian cultures as well as more recent homeopathy have also taken an expanded view of how the body functions. Taken into consideration are the electro-chemical impulses in the brain and central nervous system and its inter-connection with human emotions. Energetic aromatherapy ® a new and cutting edge vibrational therapy is founded from Dr. Bach’s research and enhanced with the physical influence of aromatherapy. Developed within the last five years on the island of Kauai the process combines pure flower essences, aromatic plant matter and steam distillation. The result is a spring water based infusion of aromatic plant molecules and potent flower frequencies. Energtic aromatherapy mists are used by spraying onto the skin, air, and energy fields of the body with an atomizing mister. This delivery system is designed to potentize the flower frequencies, while releasing aromatic plant molecules. Ones external energy body is immersed in flower essence and are readily absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin and inhalation. With the addition of aromatic properties the function is to positively influence the limbic system of the brain, the center of emotions, memory and instinctual programming to promote balance and positive shift.

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