Saturday, August 30, 2014

Flower Power and the Forgotten Language of Plants.

Flower Power and the Forgotten Language of Plants. The autonomic nervous system is a control system functioning largely below the level of consciousness. It is classically divided into two subsystems: the parasympathetic nerves system and sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is often referred to as " fight or flight” and is associated with adrenaline and cortisol production. The parasympathetic nervous system is the function of rest and recharge. In our high energy, fast paced lives, we find ourselves more and more likely to be in a state of fight or flight, which is can be described as “stress”. A high state of stress over long periods of time directly affects the immune system and leads to a variety of disorders. For women, autoimmune disorders are common and in men, heart attacks and stroke. We spend too much time in a chronic high adrenaline state, and not enough in rest and recharge. The good news is we can consciously choose to make a shift from stressful to non stressful state. There are many techniques that have been used for centuries to help us shift from fight or flight to rest and recharge. Mediation, yoga, massage and acupuncture are all proven methods to reduce stress and lower adrenaline and cortisol levels. Unfortunately it may not always be convenient to get a massage or meditate for 30 minutes during our busy, action packed day. *Energetic Aromatherapy by Kauai Herbals is a new and cutting edge energetic remedy created to help institute this shift anywhere and anytime of the day or night. It is a foundational healing modality that utilizes the calming clearing attributes of aromatherapy as well as the subtle energetics of Bach inspired flower essences using a variety of Hawaiian flower blossoms sustainably wild crafted from the jungles of Kauai. Founder and creator Shanon Mason has been living and working in the islands for over 30 years and studying traditional and native herbalism, huna and a wide range of holistic modalities. She is able to tap into a vast reserve of plant based energetics and physical constituents of plants. Using hydro-distillation the essences are captured and rarified within a spring water solution. “It’s all about listening to and building a relationship with our natural environment like the Hawaiians did.” “My kumu’s taught me to listen to the na’au.” Literally translated this means both the lower abdomen AND wisdom.” “In simply terms we westerners can relate to this as a Gut Feeling and is one of our most powerful tools. Shanon Goes on to say, “The Hawaiians of old were so in touch with their natural environment that the kahuna la’au lapa au (master herbalists) had developed a language by which they communicated with plants. This language is based in subtle energy and operates at the na’ua, the gut feeling level of consciousness. This is an amazing gift passed down by the ancients which I am grateful for everyday.” It is through this technique of deeply listening to our environment that inspired *Energetic Aromatherapy and to date these products have helped hundreds of people relieve stress, lower blood pressure and cortisol levels, and inspire a personal connection with nature and the subtle healing properties of plants that have been all but forgotten from our synthesized, pharmaceutical society.”